The 9 Best Liquid Fertilizer for Lawns 2022 (Reviews & Guide)

Everyone wants to make his lawn lush green and healthy but this dream only comes true if you will provide the grass with proper nutrients.

If the soil is lacking in nutrients then it will definitely produce unhealthy grass giving the dry grass look. 

The best solution to this problem is the application of fertilizers to the plants to get the picture-perfect lawn of your thoughts.

Fertilizer in either, liquid or solid form is the basic need for every plant. 

The fertilizer on the application will move to the soil than to the plants which will support the plant to sustain its system.

There are many choices for fertilizing your lawns are available in the market but choosing the best one is quite a difficult task. 


What is liquid fertilizer?

Liquid fertilizer is a concentrated liquid nutrients solution that provides the plants with instant feed in the form of nutrients. It is the best source to provide the plants with feed both through the foliage and soil. 

It provides plants with food in the most readily available form. 

As you know that it’s the liquid base so it will only provide the nutrients for a short period of time. To overcome this problem, you will need to spray multiple applications less often.

Its effect remains for four weeks to three months on a plant which may vary from plant to plant.

Benefits of Using Liquid Fertilizer

When you decide to apply fertilizer to your lawn, there are many reasons to choose liquid ones over the granular form or organic solid form. Here are the following benefits to use liquid fertilizer:

High Concentration

As the liquid solutions are more concentrated than other forms, so it will save a lot of money over buying a huge amount of granular fertilizer to complete the need of plants.

The main benefit of high concentrated fertilizer is that you can dilute the solution as per your plant’s requirement. Every product has its own concentration but most recommend the high amount as a starter application with longer effects.

Easy to apply

All of the liquid fertilizer products available in the market have their own application instructions. Some are applied with irrigation while some stick to apply with the garden hose but mostly are applied with sprayers.

Their application covers a large area in less time in a much better way resulting in a more uniform and even distribution.

Due to the uniform application, you are assured that each patch of your lawn has received an equal amount of fertilizer.

Quick response

As they are applied directly on the surface of leaves so it enhances the growth much faster than mixing in the soil. 

Some liquid fertilizers require watering immediately after the application so that the nutrients reach the surface of the roots. So, during the nutrient application, you get both benefits of irrigation and nutrient supply.

What is the best time to use liquid fertilizer in lawns?

The best time to apply the fertilizer to the lawns is at the beginning of spring when the temperature warms up to 55 degrees.

We tried our best to help you find out the best product to meet the needs of your lawn.

Buying Guide: Types of Liquid fertilizers

Here are the reviews from some previous buyers’ experiences after using the liquid fertilizer in their lawns. These are the popular lawn fertilizers available in the market. 

1. LawnStar – Liquid Lawn Food with Slow & Fast Release Nitrogen

This product of Lawnstar has a balanced nutrient composition to thrive your lawn grass in spring and summer. It is a complete food for all types of grasses.

If you need something having all the basic nutrients which also improve the stress tolerance in your plants then this is your product.

The main benefit of this product is slow-releasing nitrogen which keeps your lawn grass green for a longer time. Because nitrogen is the main nutrient to keep plants greener.

The premium blend formula of this product improves the root system by making it stronger and resilient. 

The other benefit is the presence of a hose-end on the bottle which makes the application much more easier and accurate.

This complete fertilizer product comes in the market with 30-day money-back guarantee which shows the confidence of the manufacturers in their product.

  • Covers 4000 sq ft.nSlow-release N keeps longer greenerynFor All Grass TypesnFaster growth and root developmentn
  • The packing looks little oddnThe bottle looks not best for refillingn

2. Simple Lawn Solutions Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster

If you are searching for a product having the ability to boost up the growth of your lawn then you do not need to worry more. This product can meet your dreams.

It has a blended formula along with fulvic and humic acid which improves the soil quality.

Healthier soil will produce a healthy plant. It boosts the growth of your lawn as well as keeps improving soil fertility.

It is formulated in a complete manner of nitrogen and phosphorus to increase the vertical growth of plants.

The main benefit is the ability of this formulation to improve the sod formation and new seeding which will improve the lawn grass thickness.

This product is manufactured in the U.S.A and is suitable for all types of grasses.

It is very much environmentally friendly having no harm to pets and kids. 

The hose-end sprayer also improves the performance by equally spraying the solution on the spot.

The basic thing that needs to keep in mind during its application is that if you want to apply and weed killer to your lawn then you should apply this fertilizer at least 7-10 days after the weed killer.

  • Covers more than 3200 sq. ft.nHumic acid improves soilnImproves new sod/seedingsn
  • Phosphorus runoff

3. Simple Lawn Solutions – Superior Nitrogen & Potash 15-0-15 NPK- Lawn Food

It is a premium liquid lawn food supplement having nitrogen and potassium in a good proportion to support your lawn grass to keep it green.

It is totally free of phosphate which will improve the soil resistance and sensitivity towards heat and cold.

Superior Nitrogen and potash is a totally natural and chemical-free fertilizer and has no hazards of use in your lawns. It also shows great results in sandy soils.

The organic ingredients in this product encourage soil health, strength, and nutrient availability to the plants growing in it.

It is a simple liquid fertilizer having bioactive organics, humic acid, fulvic acids, and sulfur.

It helps to grow the grass thicker and keeps the grass green for longer times – while providing the vital nutrients for turf growth and strength.

The application is simple like other solutions while you will need to water immediately to make sure that fertilizer reaches the root surface.

The presence of humic and fulvic acid ensures the transfer of nutrients to the plant cells.

You may say it as the premium commercial liquid fertilizer available in the market.

  • Bio-active organic fertilizer.nSuits all grass types.nEnhances grass growth.nIt can be used commercially.nSafe for Children and Pets.n
  • Not any specific disadvantage

4. LawnStar 30-0-0 NPK Fertilizer – High Nitrogen Premium Blend

If you are experiencing nitrogen deficiency in your grass and you want to combat the deficiency then Lawnstar 30-0-0 is your product.

It is a high nitrogen formula having both immediate and slow-release nitrogen in solution form.

Nitrogen is the basic requirement for green plants and is the main requirement for grass growth.

It is best for all types of grasses from Bermuda grass to Fine Fescue. It is best for kickstart improvement in your lawn and keeps the effect longer for the whole of the season. 

It will provide your lawn with rapid green and superior longevity by improving the internal metabolic processes.

The application of this product is very simple as you need to mix this formulation in a hose-end sprayer or garden hose and dilute it to make a solution and spray it.

The best thing about this product is the 30 days money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results after application.

  • Covers more than 16000 sq. ft.nCompatible With Hose-End + Garden SprayersnFast + Slow Release Nitrogenn
  • Does not have its own hose-end sprayer on the bottle

5. Urban Farm Fertilizers – Liquid Lawn Fertilizer

This hand-crafted and micro-brewed fertilizer is a liquid concentrated formulated by Urban farm fertilizers and it is best suitable for pasture and lawns. 

It is an all-rounder, custom-blended fertilizer formula for all types of grasses including Florida, St. Augustine, Zoysia, Ryegrass, Bahia, palmetto, Kentucky grass, and fescue. Also see my guide on fertilizers specifically for Fescue.

The main benefit of this product is the inclusion of humic acid, enzymes, mycorrhiza, and many other ingredients to enhance the soil quality. The mycorrhiza will increase the nitrogen fixation and enhance its availability to plants.

The best quality of this fertilizer can be assured by noticing the presence of micronutrients along with N.P.K. 

Its application is very simple and easy as is the best fertilizer to use in hose-end spraying and tow behind a tank.

This lawn food is fortified with iron which will improve the functioning of plants as iron is the core element of many processes.

It is available in the market in one-gallon packing and it is enough to spray more than 5000 sq.ft. area.

  • Covers 5000 sq. ft.nNot any chemical ingredientnFor all type of grassesnIron-fortifiedn
  • Covers less area per gallon than other but results are goodn

6. Scotts 23100 – Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass

If you are going to establish a new lawn then you must give a try to this fertilizer formulated by Scotts. 

This liquid fertilizer is particularly made to feed the newly emerging seedlings – supports both the root and foliage growth.

It has not any effects to harm your plants like a burn and well safer to use o young developing shoots. By applying this fertilizer you will get 75% thicker and 35% quicker growth than other fertilizers.

It is a perfect feed not only for new lawns but also for installing sod, reseeding, or filling the empty patches in your lawn.

Hence it is a ready fertilizer and you don’t need to mix anything before application.

The application is very easy through the garden hose just simply attaching to it. To get the maximum result first application should be done just after the seed sprouting, then apply at a one-week interval.

It covers spraying on 1800 sq. ft. of your lawn area. 

You can say that it is perfect for all types of grasses – transform their color to make your lawn more attractive. It is the best thing for lawn lovers to develop a beautiful new one.

  • Covers 1800 sq. ft.nEasy applicationnBest for new lawns establishmentnSafe for seedlingsn
  • Less coveragenRequires feeding three timesn

7. Simple Lawn Solutions – Commercial Grade Lawn Energizer

It is a high-quality, micronutrient intensified, lawn booster manufactured by simple lawn solutions. It energizes your lawn by the nitrogen present in it.

It is manufactured by professionals in the US who are experts in producing high-quality fertilizers.

It is designed to maximize the health color and growth of your plants by optimizing and energizing the nutrient levels in the soil. It is a totally natural and non-toxic formula including quality nutrients and vitamins that is kid and pet-friendly.

It has all the nutrients that are essential for a healthy lawn. It has a high proportion of nitrogen to keep the plants more green.

It is best to use for all types of grasses and any time throughout the year whenever you feel your law needs it. It has an optimized proportion of N.P.K as 20-4-8 which best suits the lawn requirements. It can be applied along with other fertilizers.

It can be sprayed on a 3200 sq. ft. area for all types of grasses including zoysia, centipede, bluegrass, and Bermuda

  • Covers 3200 sq. ft.nPremium Lawn BoosternFree of Harsh ChemicalsnPet and kid-friendlyn
  • Not good results if not mixed welln

8. Ironite Plus Lawn & Garden Spray

No fertilizer can beat the Ironite Plus Lawn and Garden Spray in growth-promoting and enhancing green matter production. 

It is a great choice for the person who has a healthy green lawn but wants to boost up the growth. 

It is a miracle food for the newly established lawns as it promotes roots growth and green foliage production by ensuring the availability of all the basic nutrients.

It has 1% iron which helps to promote the growth of plants ultimately their look much better. Iron is the basic element of chlorophyll which produces the green matter in plants.

Chelated ironworks as nutrient supplements in green plants by leaving a very much less amount of waste.

It provides the plants with all the basic nutrients such as N.P.K. 

The main benefit of this fertilizer is that it will never harm your plants e.g burning as it happens with some fertilizers. 

It covers about 5000 square foot area. It is a great choice for the persons who want to fertilize their lawns on much less budget.

Its application is done every 2 – 4 weeks during the growing season and you can boost the growth by feeding its more dose to your plants.

  • Feeds plants through foliage and rootsnHigh iron promotes lush, green growth.nDoesn’t burn the plantsn
  • Composition of N.P.K is little lownPromotes all Greens even weedsn

9. Simple Lawn Solutions – Advanced 16-4-8 Balanced NPK – Lawn Food Natural Liquid Fertilizer

It is a balanced formula having 16-4-8 to meet the deficiencies of nutrients of your lawn. It is the best solution formula produced by Simple Lawn Solutions to give your lawn a turf green and quick growth.

It is a quick-release fertilizer that provides fees to both – vegetation and soils at the same time. It is available to plants for a very short time so you will need to make a scheduled feeding chart to get proper results.

It is a macronutrient solution formula having the fish and seaweed that helps your lawn to grow healthier and lush green.

Like the other fertilizers, this is a nutrient mixture blend but it is not safe for kids and pets. You will need to water them immediately after the fertilization so that the fertilizer reaches the surface of the root.

The best thing about this product is that it does not have any chemical traces in it so you do not need to worry that it will harm your lawn.

If your lawns have an attack of any disease or fungus then this fertilizer will not show the results so you need to firstly deal with the diseases then apply this fertilizer.

  • Covers 3,200 sq. ftnEasy garden hose hookupnHelps green up grass quicklynContains Seaweed and Fishn
  • If not mixed right may burn the lawnnThe not good result if the lawn is under any disease attackn

How to choose the best Liquid lawn Fertilizer for your lawn?

Every fertilizer has its own consequences so you need to choose it wisely to get the best results. Liquid lawn fertilizers are basically quick-release feed that provides the essential nutrients to your plants. The result you get also depends on considerations – how you apply it and what your lawn need.

Do you need instant results?

As mentioned that liquid fertilizers are quick-release nutrient-rich food and can treat nutrient deficiencies. And if you want long-term solution supplements for your lawn then you should consider the slow release and granular fertilizers.

What is the size of your lawn?

Liquid fertilizer applications can be a great choice for you if you have a super-sized lawn.

Necessary equipment

The application of liquid fertilizer can become costly for you if you do not have a proper sprayer. A well-maintained sprayer will disperse the fertilizer in a quick and efficient spread all over the area equally. So you should also take it under consideration when deciding to use liquid fertilizers for your lawn.

When to Apply Liquid Lawn Fertilizer?

It’s good to know that when applying the liquid fertilizer, it depends on the type you are going to apply. Every product has detailed instructions on the label, so must keep these guidelines in mind.

If you are going to use a fertilizer that is applied once a year then you should apply it just before the onset of spring because at that your lawn needs the nutrients much more to build up its structure. It will also help to build up the reserves in the soil. 

If you have to apply two times per year then you need to do the second application in October to give your lawn the food for winter.

In the case of three applications per year, the third one is done in the early spring and a fourth mid-summer if plants need it. And if you are applying all-year-round fertilizer then you need to give a smaller dose in spring.

The products we choose are mostly spring and summer that need to apply a smaller dose from spring throughout the summer every few weeks.

Take care of applications during the hot and humid days of summer because these days the liquid application can harm your plants. In this weather, you can choose organic options.

The morning time is the best time for liquid fertilizer applications. The best time is to fertilizer when the ground is moist. It will help the fertilizer to get absorbed quickly. It will also lessen the chances to harm your grass.

How Much Liquid Lawn Fertilizer to Apply?

It depends on the size of your lawn and the number of nutrients the lawn needs.

It is important to know the right amount of fertilizer especially when you are doing liquid applications. In both cases of doing too little and too much dose application, you will damage your plants.


The best way to find the right amount is by doing soil testing. Each fertilizer has its own proportion of NPK. The soil testing will help you choose the right amount of fertilizer by knowing the present condition of the soil.

The testing of soil is not much difficult. Most professionals and gardeners have their own kits for soil testing.

After the soil testing, you can find the right amount of NPK your soil needs.

Application Methods

There are two ways to apply the liquid fertilizer to your lawns, both are pretty easy ways. But you must consider the instructions on the label of the product. Here is an overview of both ways on how they work.


It is the most common way of applying liquid fertilizer to your lawn. Two types of bottle packings of liquid fertilizers are available in the market. 

If you are using the bottle with the hose end on the bottle then you just need to attach it with the garden hose and start the application after proper calibration – the amount the lawn needs. 

But before attaching to the garden hose shake the bottle well to mix it thoroughly.

Start application from the far side of your lawn so you end at the nearest point of your lawn.

And if you have the bottle with no hose end on it then you will need to apply it with the sprayers. Electric sprayers can be considered best for it.

The application is the same by mix the right amount you need and start applying from the far point to the end near your door. Then you will need to pass through the fertilized lawn on ending.


If you have an irrigation system installed on your lawn then it is pretty much good to apply the liquid fertilizers. 

You can add the fertilizer to the tank and feed your lawn with water. Make sure to consider the instructions on the product before any type of application.

Related: Best Fertilizer for strawberries


How often should I use liquid fertilizer on my lawn?

The frequency of liquid fertilizer application depends on the number of nutrients present in the fertilizer and in the soil.

 Is liquid fertilizer better?

Liquid fertilizers are better at balancing the pH of the soil. Nitrogen can be helpful if applied in the right amount to make your lawn green. Potassium-based fertilizers can be helpful only if applied in the right amount.

How long does liquid lawn fertilizer last?

They can last for 8-10 years if stored properly.

Is liquid fertilizer better than granular fertilizer?

Both of these fertilizers provide nutrients to the soil and plants to thrive and survive. The difference between them is the time of availability to the plants and the placement of fertilizer.

Can liquid fertilizer burn grass?

Yes, liquid fertilizers can cause great damage to your lawn if they are applied overdose to the grass. The grass will turn yellow known as ‘fertilizer burn’.

How can I make my grass green fast?

You can make your lawn green quickly by following these steps consistently

Mow the lawn regularly
Water the lawn fully twice a week
Apply the nitrogen-rich fertilizers
Add the iron supplement to your lawn food

Is it possible to add excess fertilizer?

Yes, but some fertilizers are complete fertilizers and if any other fertilizer is mixed with them they will burn the grass due to overdose.

What’s the difference between a liquid and granular fertilizer?

Liquid fertilizer comes in liquid form and is easy to apply and more concentrated than granular form sometimes. However, the granular form is in granules form. The liquid fertilizer is ready to use but the granular fertilizer is mixed with water before application.

Are liquid fertilizers harmful to kids or pets?

Yes, they can be harmful to pets and kids. As some fertilizers have chemicals in it which can be harmful to pets. But now kids and pet-friendly fertilizers like Urban Farm Fertilizers – Liquid Lawn Fertilizers are also available in the market.

Q: How to mix liquid lawn fertilizer?

To mix the liquid fertilizer follow these steps

  1. Read the instruction present on the label and mix it completely
  2. Add the water according to the ratio on the label
  3. Spray it to the grass without leaving any patch


Although there are various types of fertilizers are available in the market and it’s confusing for you to decide which one is better. To choose the best fertilizer, first of all, you need to know what your lawn needs which is only possible by doing soil tests.

Once you know the soil condition, it will be much easier for you to decide among the product reviewed by us. We choose the best products available on the market.

Simple Lawn Solutions – Advanced 16-4-8 Balanced NPK – Lawn Food Natural Liquid Fertilizer has always been our best choice. You should just give it a try or you may choose on your own from the list provided by us according to your lawn needs.

We tried our best to provide you with enough possible knowledge about each product to make your lawn healthier and green.

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