St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) also known as Charleston grass is a coarse-textured grass that spreads with the help of above-ground stolons also known as runners. This grass is much popular throughout the warmer regions of the Southern United States due to its drought tolerance nature.
It grows well in tropical settings and is found mostly in the places where the moisture is present like lagoons and marshes. It can withstand the salty soils and oceanic salty waters.
The drought tolerating nature makes it popular among the community as it just needs the nitrogenous-rich fertilizers to grow.
Maintaining the St. Augustine grassy lawn lush can be overwhelming if it is not maintained with proper cultural practices and fertilizers. If these two factors are well maintained then it results in the form of a healthy and vigorous carpet grassy lawn.
Augustine grass is totally dependent on timely fertilization if you want to maintain a beautiful lawn.
To properly sustain the lawn along with handling the drought stress as well to compete with the pests and disease attacks, the proper nitrogenous fertilizer and timely application play the dominant role.
Reviews: St. Augustine grass fertilizers
Here are some popular products reviewed by myself as well as other lawn care experts that can benefit your St. Augustine grass by providing all essential nutrients.
Here are added all types of liquid, granular, slow-releasing fertilizers are reviewed and these slow-releasing fertilizers will help you to come out of risk of burning leaves.
1. Advanced 16-4-8 Balanced NPK – Lawn Food Natural Liquid Fertilizer
Simple lawn solutions is a well-known company in producing high-quality lawn fertilizers. In the same way, this liquid fertilizer is a complete blend for nitrogen-loving plants and grasses.
This grass food has an NPK proportion of 16-4-8 which is a perfect blend for St, Augustine grass. It has all the macronutrients in a good proportion that a grass need for healthy growth.
The best thing about this product is that it contains the seaweed and fish contents formulated within this food that is a high-quality natural and organic feed grade ingredient.
These organic particles will help your lawn to grow safely without causing any stress to the lawn due to the absence of any chemicals. You can say that this lawn food is the food problem solver for your lawn.
The application of this liquid food is very simple and easy as you just need to attach the garden hose to the top end of the bottle and by adjusting the fertilizer amount you can easily feed your lawn.
The nitrogen in this blend helps your grass to grow greener while the phosphorus and potassium help to promote roots development and turf strength.
This easy peasy formula is also best for other grasses like Florida, zoysia, fescue, St. Augustine, Buffalo, and Ryegrass.
2. Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass – Lawn Fertilizer for Newly Planted Grass
Scotts Turf builder is producing a vast variety of feeds for the lawns for many years. It produces the foods for establishing the new lawns as well for feeding the already established lawns.
This miracle lawn starter food is also one of these high-quality foods that helps the seeds to grow and produce a strong turf.
Feeding off this lawn starter food can be beneficial for the lawn grass to produce 70% thicker and 35% quicker growth of lawn grass.
The 24-25-4 NPK formulation of this food encourages strong and quick root development so that it could get the best use of fertilizers through the developed roots.
The best thing about this product is that it is best for all types of grass types including St. Augustine. It will help them to establish their roots and turf to get full use of the nutrients applied to them through roots or leaves.
If its name is confusing you that it is just for newly established lawns then you are wrong here, it works the same way for the already established grass plugs and sod.
This food comes in a granular form so you will need a spreader for its proper and evenly application. After applying this food to the grass watering is the most important step to make sure its absorbance into the soil.
The small granular-sized particles of this food make it the best food having less loses of fertilizer due to uneven absorbance to the ground.
3. Simple Lawn Solutions Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster
This other product by Simple Lawn Solutions is a great blend for grass growth. Simple lawn solutions are famous for producing lawn products for more than 25 years and it is a US-based company.
Like the other great products this lawn booster food is also an amazing formulation for enhancing grass growth by promoting its turfs and root development. This food will result in the form of a lush green lawn.
It is not just for the St. Augustine grass but it is also a great food for other grasses like
- Zoysia
- Buffalo
- Plametto
- Bluegrass
The best thing about this product is the easy application, as you just need to attach the garden hose to the cap of this bottle and by adjusting the food amount from the cap you can feed your lawn while watering.
It is a pet and kid-friendly solution due to its all-natural and organic ingredients. The presence of humic and fulvic acid helps to promote the new sod development.
The 6-19-0 NPK ratio of this liquid fertilizer shows that it is a great fertilizer for strengthing the grass. It works great on both the new and already established lawns.
The organic and natural ingredients of this food promote vertical as well as lateral growth which helps to establish the fully ground-covered lawns.
4. Southern Ag Chelated Liquid Iron, 128oz -1 Gallon
If your lawn grass is showing the signs of iron deficiency then it is a great product for you. This product by the Southern Ag is a complete blend for promoting the growth of grasses while adjusting the iron deficiency as well.
This food will help to convert your yellow and patchy lawn to a deep rich green grassy lawn. This concentrated liquid food is meant to be applied with the help of sprayers.
The best thing about this product is that it does correct the iron deficiency in the lawns and other plants and shrubs as well. Not only correcting the iron concentration at that time but also helps to prevent the happening of iron deficiency in the near future again.
The application of this fertilizer is very easy like other liquid fertilizers as you just need to attach it to the garden hose but the best application will be by sprayers.
If you are doing foliar application then the amount will be 1 tablespoon per gallon but for lawns, 1 pint per 1000 sq. ft. will be enough.
5. The Andersons PGF Complete 16-4-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG
If you are searching for a long-lasting and slow-releasing granular fertilizer then this fertilizer can do that job for you. The superfine particles of this blend make your lawn healthy and more green.
The superfine particles of this granular fertilizer create the opportunity to spread this fertilizer in a double area of the lawn.
This is an all-in-one great formula by Andersons. The presence of humates in this granular food increases the soil quality and regulates the nutritional requirements of St. Augustine grass.
The best thing about this product is its slow-releasing feature that allows feeding the lawn for up to 8 weeks. The slow release of nitrogen helps to promote uniform growth for an extended time.
These fine particles absorb quickly into the soil as compared to the other products. Humic DG helps the soil to absorb nutrients quickly and evenly.
The 16-4-8 composition of this food makes it the best product for establishing a lush green lawn with a stronger root system.
One bag of this food would be enough for fertilizing a 5000 sq. ft. area. The application of this food is recommended every 7 to 8 weeks by the manufacturer. But during application be careful to avoid drainage ditches and storm drains.
6. Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action – Weed Killer & Preventer, Lawn Fertilizer
This triple-action fertilizer product by Scotts Turf Builder is a great product for people who are fed up with buying fertilizers, weeds, and pest-controlling chemicals separately.
If you want to control the weeds like dandelions, clover, chickweed, and most of the broadleaved weeds then this food will work great for you.
The triple-action of this formulation feeds the lawn as well as kills the weeds and also prevents the growth of the weed in the near future.
If you are fed up with controlling the crabgrass and you want to control them completely then you need to apply this food and it will work to control for 4 months and also feed the thick green lawn.
The main benefit of this product is that while feeding the lawn, it will prevent weeds like
- Knotweed
- Purslane
- Oxalis
- Foxtail
- Fall panicum
- Barnydgrass
It does work on vast verities of lawn grasses other than St. Augustine as zoysiagrass, bahiagrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and tall fescues.
7. Super Juice All in One Soluble Supplement Lawn Fertilizer
Next is the solubilizing, all in one formulation by Super Juice. It really earns the name due to its great results.
The best thing about this product is that it is a very fine dry mix that is mixed with water and then applied to grass with the help of electric sprayers. One bag of this food will be enough to feed one care of the grass.
Originally the composition of this food is 14-2-4 but you can halve it to 7-1-2 by mixing to half strength.
The packing of this product is also very attractive and it comes in a foil-lined bag that can be stored easily without any problem of waste or contamination.
It can be applied as the primary treatment or as a supplement to the older lawns.
The food is water-soluble which makes it an easy and quick feed for grass. The food is mixed to the desired volume and then sprayed over the grass by a hose-end sprayer. It is quickly absorbed through the blades. The results of this application will be visible in one to four hours.
8. Ultimate 3-18-18 NPK- Lawn Food Natural Liquid Fertilizer- Concentrated Spray- Any Grass Type
Simple Lawn Solution manufactured this product with the composition of 3-18-18 to help the build-up of a strong and healthy grassy lawn. It is the best food for the lawns facing the difficulties of potassium and phosphorus deficiencies.
The purple and dark red edges with poor root growth and the yellowing of leaves blades of grass are the signs of potassium and phosphorus deficiency.
This deficiency will cause low tolerance in lawns for extreme temperatures. It will leave your lawn prone to disease attacks like fungus of lawn. Many fungicides for lawns are available to overcome that problem but this solution can also be attained by proper NPK addition.
This fertilizer is a complete formula for many kinds of grass-like St. Augustine as well as Bluegrass, Palmetto, and Buffalo. It promotes the growth to end up the hardy and strong grass root systems that will be able to resist the fungus, disease, and control insect infestation.
It is safe for children and pets due to its totally organic and natural ingredients.
The application is very easy as just attach its nozzle with the garden hose and you are all set for the application.
9. Milorganite 62036-MW Organic Milorganite Fertilizer
Another organic fertilizer recommended by our experts comes to the market in the form of Milogranite fertilizer. This fertilizer is the top-recommended organic fertilizer for fertilizing St. Augustine grass.
It comes in the packing of a 36 lb. bag. This organic composition reduces the need for watering. This fertilizer is trusted by users for over 80 years.
The best thing about this product is the presence of 4% non-staining iron for enhancing the greenery. It is specially designed to deliver superior results that reduce energy costs.
This slow-releasing formula makes the nutrient available for longer times, making it ideal for use anywhere, anytime.
It is also recommended by the golf courses for decades. You will see the results after the two weeks of application.
The iron along with the nitrogen helps to grow the lush green Augustine grass in your lawn.
Due to the slow-releasing feature, it is ideal fertilizer that does not cause the burning of leaves.
Buyers guide: Fertilizing St. Augustine grass
Whenever you are buying fertilizer for any type of plant always get some knowledge about the basic needs of that plant and the way of assimilating these nutrients. Green leafy plants need more nitrogen than other plants. While the flowering plants prefer phosphatic fertilizers.
In the same way, there is a defined pattern of food requirement of St. Augustine grass. The application of 1-1.5 pounds of nitrogenous fertilizer per 1000 sq.ft every 8-10 weeks shows better results.
Nitrogen is the basic need of the green leafy plants the same way the Augustine grass needs nitrogen more than others. There are many fertilizers available in the market having the nitrogen-rich formula of 16-4-8, 15-0-0, 30-0-0, or 20-0-0.
But you have to decide between the fast releasing or slow-releasing fertilizers which one you want to apply. In the same way choosing between pelleted or liquid fertilizers and organic or synthetic is also necessary.
Organic vs. Synthetic
Organic fertilizers are made of natural ingredients like cottonseed meal, carb meal, and manure. However, synthetic ones are made in laboratories.
The organically sourced fertilizers help the soil structure building on decomposition while the synthetic ones do only provide the nutrients.
The synthetic sources boost the growth for a little time but organic supports long-lasting.
Liquid Fertilizer vs. Pellets
The liquid fertilizers are soluble fertilizers that can be applied by attaching to the garden hoses or by the sprayers. The liquid forms fertilizers are quickly available fertilizers after absorbing through the leaves.
The pelleted or granular form fertilizers are spread by the help of spreaders and then triggered by water.
An additional option is also available in the granular fertilizers in the form of slow-releasing fertilizers. It lowers the losses by leaching and extends the nutrient availability.
How to Care for St. Augustine Grass
Getting knowledge about how to care for your lawn is a critical thing. As compared to the other grasses, St. Augustine grass needs very little care once it is established.
Getting Started
Whether you are going to establish a new lawn or patch up the old one, St. Augustine grass should be planted in the early spring or late summer season.
Unlike the other grasses planted by spreading the seeds, St. Augustine is not planted by seed but the stolen, sod, or plugs are inserted into the ground.
In the initial days, new grass needs frequent watering for the first week to establish the root system. After the root establishment, watering is done on watching the signs of the need for water. If the blades wilt then it needs to do the watering.
Cutting the Grass/Mowing
St. Augustine grass needs to be mowed once in a week or at least every other week. It is kept just three to four inches high. By mowing and mowing the grass will become stronger, greener, and fast recovering. Protection against thatching will also appear in the grass.
Core aeration is a process of punching the small holes in the turf and soil to alleviate the compaction and allow the air to move to the root system.
This process will help to promote the infiltration and drainage system.
Aerification is done after the frost has passed and the lawn is fully greened up.
It is done with the help of aerators. Lawn aeration can also be done combined with the dethatching of the lawn with rakes to alleviate the soil compaction.
Timely fertilization is the key point to making your lawn green and healthy. Through the spring and fall, you will need to fertilize the lawn every thirty to sixty days to keep your grass healthy and lush green.
When to Fertilize St Augustine Grass?
To know that when to fertilize the St. Augustine grass, you should get knowledge of its growth pattern. This grass grows in the summer months and slows growth in the winter days.
It turns brown in winter and again lush green in summer so it will need nitrogen-rich fertilizer in the summer season.
For better results consider doing the soil tests. From January to April fertilization should be avoided to not cause any damage to the grass.
From May to August the summer heatwaves start, these days the test is done to check if the sulfur is needed if the pH is high.
At the end of the year from September to December, no fertilization is done. Potassic fertilizer can be applied to make the grass more thickened and should be applied four weeks prior to the frost.
How Often Should You Fertilize St Augustine Grass?
During the summer season, the St. Augustine grass should be fertilized three times.
The first application is done in the late spring or early summer. Early May is a good time for this.
The second application is done in the middle of summer mostly during June or July. Additional nitrogen may be added after soil testing reports.
Third and the last application is done during august after the soil testing. High nitrogen and potassic fertilizers are applied to produce strong and healthy grass to go through the winter season.
How to Fertilize St Augustine Grass?
This factor of fertilizing St. Augustine grass totally depends on what type of fertilizer you are using. You need to follow the directions on the package. Here are some recommendations of how to fertilize:
Granular fertilizer
Most of the granular fertilizers are not mixed with water or sprayed, instead, they are applied as granules by spreading on the surface and then watering the soil to absorb the granules into the soil.
Before applying the granules, read carefully the directions on the package to get better results. Some granular fertilizer does need to be applied after mixing with water and some not.
The granular fertilizer is spread with the help of spreaders after properly calibrating the speed of spreading.
Liquid fertilizer
The liquid fertilizers or granular fertilizers mixed in water are mostly applied by the help of hose sprayers or electric sprayers.
The proper amount is filled in the tank and diluted by adding water and then applied with the hose sprayers that is a great option.
If you do not want to spray with hose-end sprayers then choose the electric sprayers to get better results.
But the main thing in applying the liquid fertilizers is the directions to use otherwise you will get burn your lawn.
We hope that you have got enough knowledge about the fertilizers of St. Augustine grass.
If your St. Augustine grass is not growing well then you should just choose any one of these fertilizers. Choosing the right fertilizers will help the grass to come back to life quickly to the lush green lawn.
We have added all the best available fertilizers in the market. We will keep updating our list if any latest product comes to the market.