Best Fertilizer for Bamboo Reviews & Growing Guide

The most frequent complaint about bamboo among gardeners appears to be that it grows too quickly. Running bamboo may be aggressive and even invasive in certain kinds. Your bamboo, on the other hand, may droop, lose leaves, and fail to develop if not properly cared for and fed.

Natural and organic additions like compost and manure are the most common solutions for fertilizing bamboo. Both horse dung and mushroom compost have had excellent outcomes. Chemical fertilizers, particularly those developed for grasses and lawns, are used by certain gardeners.

So, through this article, we will help you choose the best fertilizers for your bamboo plant and instructions on how to use them.


Do Bamboo Plants Really Need Fertilizer?

Bamboo is known to be a hungry plant, so it’s a given that you’ll need to feed it if you want it to look its best and live up to its full potential.

A bamboo plant with insufficient fertilizer and nutrients will develop smaller culms and fewer leaves. It won’t have the brilliant brilliance of a healthy plant, either.

Under Nourished Bamboo Shoot

Although it is not required, fertilizing bamboo can help it grow faster and produce more brilliant leaves. Bamboo, being a member of the grass family, uses a significant quantity of nitrogen. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen concentration (such as 20N 5P 5K) are ideal for bamboo. Bamboo, on the other hand, may be fertilized with any grass fertilizer.

Organic compost or manure is the best and most favored fertilizer for bamboo, as it reacts well to it. Organic fertilizer can be put to the growing area’s surface as a top dressing. To aid in the distribution of nutrients into the soil below, organic fertilizers require rain or irrigation.

How to Fertilize Bamboo Plants For Fast Growth

Bamboo may be fertilized using a variety of fertilizers. To synchronize the two main growth seasons of bamboo, use a high nitrogen grass or lawn fertilizer once in early spring and once in the summer.

Apply more mild, organic fertilizers at a higher pace to ensure that the bamboo receives enough nitrogen. To decide how much fertilizer to apply, follow the application instructions relevant to the type of fertilizer you’re using, which is often available on the fertilizer label.

Fertilize your bamboo 2 to 3 times each year if you want a healthy, beautiful, and vigorous plant.

Organic fertilizers work well on bamboo and are better to avoid chemical additions wherever possible. Horse dung and mushroom compost are two of the best bamboo feeds. Both of them are high in nitrogen, which is just what the bamboo requires. Organic compost is also sold by the bag at most garden centers.

Just make sure it’s not too fresh when you obtain fresh compost or manure. These compounds might be excessively hot for the plant and its roots if they haven’t had enough time to break down.

Compost and manure are simple to place on the ground at the base of your bamboo grove, similar to mulch. A thick covering of 2-3 inches should be enough. This approach will nourish the roots while also insulating them to manage the temperature and decrease moisture loss.

There are several fertilizers on the market that are ideal for bamboo for those who wish to utilize chemicals in their garden. As a general rule, if it’s excellent for grass and lawns, it’ll be beneficial for bamboo as well, which is also grass).

Look for a nitrogen-rich product. Something with an NPK of around 15-5-10 or 18-5-12 should do the trick. The chemical balance of your fertilizer is represented by NPK, and organic fertilizers utilize a similar approach. It is made up of three elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Because there are certain differences between brands and goods, simply follow the directions on the label.

As we’ve seen, the best method to feed and maintain your exotic evergreens is to understand what they require depending on your soil type, climate, and plant kind. And, most critically, when to meet those requirements.

How to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo in Water

How to Fertilize Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo grows in water rather than in soil as it is a hydroponically grown plant. Place the plant in a container with about 1 inch of water, and keep it refreshed as the water is absorbed or evaporated. Apply a diluted dose of liquid houseplant fertilizer every few months to provide additional nutrients. Lucky bamboo leaves may grow up to 1 inch every month under ideal conditions.

Lucky bamboo doesn’t need much fertilizer and can thrive for a long time in clean water. Don’t fertilize lucky bamboo for a couple of weeks after bringing it home to avoid over-fertilization. If your lucky bamboo turns yellow after you get it home, replace the water right away.

The finest fertilizers for lucky bamboo plants are those formulated particularly for them. NPK with trace elements is the most common bamboo fertilizer. These are normally in a 2-2-2 ratio, which means they contain a balanced 2 parts ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (K).

When given filtered water that is naturally rich in nitrogen and changed often, most lucky bamboo plants require very little fertilizer. If your water needs a nutritional boost, all it takes is a single drop of diluted liquid feed once a month during the plant’s active growing season.

When to Fertilize Bamboo For Optimal Growth

When To Fertilize Bamboo

The shooting season is the greatest time to fertilize bamboo. Organic fertilizers may need to be administered sooner since the nutrients need time to seep into the soil. Chemical liquid fertilizers are almost instantly absorbed. Feeding your bamboo twice a year, in the spring and summer, is usually a good idea.

Bamboo may be fertilized using a variety of fertilizers. To synchronize the two main growth seasons of bamboo species, use a high nitrogen grass or lawn fertilizer once in early spring and once in the summer. Apply more mild, organic fertilizers at a higher pace to ensure that the bamboo receives enough nitrogen. To decide how much fertilizer to apply, follow the application instructions relevant to the type of fertilizer you’re using. This information is often available on the fertilizer label. Fertilize your bamboo 2 to 3 times each year if you want a healthy, beautiful, and vigorous plant.

Best Fertilizers Reviews for Bamboo Plants

1. Rapid Green & Growth Liquid Fertilizer 30-0-0

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Yellowing leaves, poor or stunted growth, lanky growth, and heat stress are all symptoms that your bamboo is deficient in nitrogen. If this is the case, a short dose of nutrients in the form of AeroGarden’s 30-0-0 liquid fertilizer will be beneficial to your bamboo.

This high-nitrogen feed improves the soil’s condition, allowing for greener, more delicious shoots and leaves, as well as a healthier bamboo overall. This fertilizer has been carefully prepared to provide an initial burst of nitrogen, followed by a second two-thirds of slow-release formula that progressively feeds the roots with nutrients.

2. Blood Meal Fertilizer Mix 12-0-0

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Next on my top bamboo fertilizer list is a Down to Earth organic product. It contains blood meal, a naturally abundant and powerful source of nitrogen, and the fertilizer itself has a 12-0-0 NPK ratio. It works wonders for soil conditioning by raising nitrogen levels, which are subsequently transported to your plants, promoting new shoots and abundant development.

One disadvantage of this fertilizer is that it has the potential to induce root burn. The simple approach is to follow Down to Earth’s recommendations for use to avoid over-fertilizing. This depends on whether your bamboo is fresh or established, as well as whether it is grown in a container or the ground. Use the prescribed amount, sprinkle it over the soil, and dig around your plants.

3. All-Purpose Shake N’ Feed 12-4-8

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This fertilizer is from MiracleGro, which is a fantastic option. For up to three months, just one application of these nutrient-rich granules with a 12-4-8 NPK will provide the perfect amount of helpful support to your bamboo. It also helps to improve the soil by providing food for those critical bacteria. This is a fantastic all-arounder to have in the garden shed since it can be used as a fertilizer for fruits, flowers, and vegetables.

What Is the Best Fertilizer for Potted Bamboo?

Bamboo + Bonsai Fertilizer Pods 2-2-4

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Earthpod’s Bamboo + Bonsai Fertilizer Pods 2-2-4 makes a wonderful all-natural, mess-free alternative for indoor bamboo. They are excellent slow-release fertilizers that are not only environmentally friendly but also safe for pets and children. Each pod is chock-full of macro and micronutrients, as well as a healthy dose of organic matter, and the best part is that, unlike many organic fertilizers, these don’t stink!

The Earthpods Bamboo & Bonsai fertilizer is designed exclusively for indoor kinds.

Throughout the growing season, just insert a pod into the potting media near the root zone every 2-3 weeks and water as usual. Small plants may only require 1-2 pods, while larger plants may require up to 8 pods.


Bamboo fertilizers are simple to use, quick to apply, and in most instances straightforward to apply, whether you’re cultivating indoor or outdoor bamboo kinds. One of the most appealing aspects of fertilizing bamboo is that it typically needs little work and is only done once a season. The above-mentioned great products are guaranteed to have the fertilizer you need.


Can I Use Lawn Fertilizer for Bamboo?

Any fertilizer that is beneficial for lawns, grasses, palms, and other plants will also work for bamboo, as bamboo is also a type of grass.

Can I Use Miracle Grow on Bamboo?

Bamboo plants are best known as ‘heavy eaters’. As mentioned earlier, nourish bamboo using MiracleGro’s Shake ‘N Feed All Purpose Plant Food, which contains natural nutrients to help feed plants both above and below the soil, starting a month after planting.