The 7 Best Fertilizer for Red Tip Photinia

Best Fertilizer for red tip photinia guide is here. Red tip photinia, low maintenance evergreen shrub is also known as Fraser Photinia and Japanese Photinia. This broadleaf shrub can grow up to 20 feet in height. It can be recognized by its broad red and green leaves. This self-sustaining shrub needs less water, fertilizer, and sunlight as compared to other garden ornaments.

Fertilization requirements of young red tip photinia are different from the mature ones. Generally, fertilization needs to be done in late winter to early spring. It can be done in the growing season too.

What type of fertilizer is ideal for Red Tip Photinia?

Red tip photinia doesn’t need much fertilizing to do. Slow-release fertilizers are ideal for their health and growth.

Ideal fertilizer formula for Red Tip Photinia:

A fertilizer containing an equal amount of basic nutrients that are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 10-10-10( 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, and 10% potassium) is highly recommended for balanced Red Tip Photinia growth.

How to fertilize Red Tip Photinia for flowers and leaf and overall growth?

  • For leaves:

A fertilizer containing nitrogen is ideal for leaf growth.

  • For flowers:

Potassium is considered best in enhancing fruit and flowering in trees and shrubs like Red Tip Photinia.

  • For overall health and growth:

Most gardeners recommend potassium to keep the red tip photinia healthy. It does not just keep it healthy and glowing but also improves its ability to take up essential nutrients.


How to fertilize Red Tip Photinia

 Fertilizing red tip Photinia is as simple as just digging a hole in the ground. Both liquid and granular fertilizer can be used. You can choose whatever you are comfortable with. Besides following the instructions written on the packet you have to follow these too.

  1. Dig a hole in the ground. Plant red tip photinia and sprinkle 10-10-10 fertilizer. Fill the hole.
  2. When the shrub starts growing to add granular fertilizer closer to the base of Photinia shrub
  3. When the shrub reaches 10 to 12 inches in height add more granular fertilizer. Keep repeating this process until you are satisfied with the results.

Note:  Do not even think of fertilizing photinia in summer as it will not only slow down the growth but will also bring more harm than good. When you are done fertilizing water your shrub thoroughly it helps in passing the nutrients to their desired places.

Best Fertilizer for Red Tip Photinia

1. Miracle-Gro water-soluble All-purpose plant food

This all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer is formulated to bring life not only into shrubs like Red Tip Photinia but also to vegetables, houseplants, trees, roses, and other such flowers.

Available sizes

  • 8oz,1.5Ibs, 3Ibs, 5lbs and 10lbs
  • 1.5lbs and 3lbs
  • 1.5lbs and 5lbs
  • 1.5lbs
  • 5lbs

How to use

You can use this via

  • The watering can 
  • The miracle-gro garden feeder.

The watering can way

  • Give the instructions a good read.
  • Mix the directed amount of fertilizer in the watering can.
  • Fill the can with water
  • Spray the water evenly starting from the base of the Red Tip Photinia shrub. Do not leave any area near the base unsoaked.

The miracle-gro garden feeder way

  • Give instructions a good read first.
  • Fill the miracle-gro garden feeder with the fertilizer.
  • Attach the garden hose.
  • Turn on the water.
  • Turn the yellow spray head and choose the spray pattern you wish to spray with.
  • Squeezing the trigger will begin spraying. Soak the base evenly. And you are done.
  • Ironizes feeds and acidifies the vegetables, trees, and shrubs.nPromote a rich color.nWorks instantly n100% safe.nSaves from burnsn
  • It’s an all-purpose fertilizer though it works 100% well on Red Tip Photinia. nBut It will bring less fruitful results if your shrub is in a miserable condition.n


Contains phosphorus. Check your local laws regarding phosphorus-containing fertilizer as some states do not allow it.

2. Vitax Q4 Pelleted Fertilizer

This another all-purpose fertilizer is doing an excellent job in keeping the Red tip photinia healthy. This gardener’s favourite shrubs, vegetables, and plant food help in producing brighter and bigger blooms. This slow-release plant and shrub food contain all required nutrients essential for vigorous growth.


5.3,3.3,8.3 N-P-K (5.3 Nitrogen, 3.3 phosphorus, and 8.3 Potassium)

Available sizes

  • 0.9 kg
  • 2.5 kg
  • 4.5 kg

How to use

  • Read the instructions first.
  • Spray water thoroughly. Keep the base well soaked.
  • Apply it to the wet surface.
  • Organic, less damaging.nAll-purpose, can be used for others indoors and outdoor plants and shrubs, etc.nEasy to use.nContains trace elements.n
  • No con found yetn

3. Osmocote Plus Smart Release Plant

These ten problems one solution fertilizer is formulated for both lawn owners and advanced gardeners. It contains eleven essential nutrients plants and shrubs need to grow. Resin coated granules keep the supply in control so that shrubs and plants only get food when they need it. If you want fewer garden deaths this year do not hesitate to buy this smart release plant food.

How to use

  • Read the instructions first.
  • Sprinkle three tablespoons(1scoopful) of fertilizer per 4 square feet( or 2 gallons).
  • Mix it into the soil three to four inches deep.
  • Water it thoroughly. Keep watering it regularly. Your job is done.

How does it work?

The resin-coated granule is mixed into the soil. The water helps in dissolving the encapsulated nutrients. Climate conditions also aid in releasing nutrients. More nutrients are released in warm and active growing seasons.

How often can you apply it?

You can use it every six months to get better results.


In addition to nitrogen(19%), phosphorus(6%)and potassium(12%) it contains following micro nutrients.

  • 6.0% Sulfur
  • 0.2% Boron
  • 0.5% Copper
  • 0.46% Iron
  • 0.06% Manganese 
  • 0.02% Molybdenum
  • 0.05% Zinc
  • It does not burn.nContains measuring scoop for perfect measurement.n
  • It leaves small plastic balls in the soil. Some gardeners find it harmful to the environment.n

4. Fertilome Tree and Shrub Food

This tree and shrub food has been in use for treating red tip photinia because of its versatile formulation. High nitrogen content does not just give your red tip photinia the energy to grow but also promotes rich red and green colour. Besides being an excellent fertilizer to red tip photinia and other shrubs it can also be used for nut trees, citrus, evergreens, flowering, and tropical trees. Feed your shrub twice a year to get mind-blowing results.


19-8-10 (19% Nitrogen, 8% phosphorus, and 10% potassium) with trace elements.

Available size

  • 4lbs

Type: Granular

How to use

You don’t need a complicated method to follow to feed your roots the nutrients they need. Just give your soil the desired amount of it and your job is done. 

Application Rate

Half cup per square yard.

  • No need to dig a hole.nScientifically formulated, works well.n
  • High nitrogen content

5. Miracle-Gro Performance Organics

The reason why another miracle-gro fertilizer is on my list is it’s the balanced organic formulation. The no-complicated application procedure makes it a must-have. The made to feed jug makes the feeding easy and delightful and it can later be used as the watering can. If applied following all the instructions given by the company you can get visible results in just a few days. It can be used for other trees and herbs too.

Use it the right way

To get astonishing results do not even think of mixing the fertilizer with water. Apply it dry but do not forget to shake the jug well first.

Available sizes

  • 1lb.
  • 1.75lb.
  • 2.5lb.


9-2-7 (9% nitrogen, 2% phosphorus, and 7% potassium).

How to use


  • Shake the jug evenly. Spread it on to the desired area.
  • Make the fertilizer to go down at least 1 to 3 inches by mixing the soil.
  • Water thoroughly.

In pots

  • Take two tablespoons of the fertilizer.
  • Mix it with the soil.
  • Water thoroughly.
  • 100% organic, safe, and Balanced formulation.nEasy applicationn
  • Low phosphorus content

6. Espoma Plant-tone All-Purpose Plant Food

Listing plant-tone fertilizer here because of its so many positive online and offline reviews. Because of its minimal side effects, it is being used for treating shrubs and plants for so many years. The nutrients enhance colours and build stronger roots. This gentle fertilizer does not just save shrubs and flowering plants from burns but also encourages bountiful blooms.


5-3-3 ( 5% Nitrogen, 3% Phosphorus, and 3% Potassium)

The ideal time to use:  Spring – late fall.

How to apply

  • For new Red Tip Photinia: Mix it at least 4 inches deep into the soil. Backfill the hole and spray water thoroughly.
  • For already established Red Tip Photinia: Sprinkle the mentioned quantity on to the soil and spray water thoroughly.
  • Organic, safe to use.nSlow-release fertilizern
  • Unpleasant smell.nA bit priceyn

7. Jobe’s Organics Bone Meal Fertilizer, 4 lb

Jobe’s organics is renowned for providing fast-acting, outcome-oriented fertilizers. Manufactured with 100% bone meal, this fertilizer is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. This chemical-free certified organic fertilizer is ideal for vegetables, tubers, flowers, bulbs, trees, and shrubs.

Jobe’s organic bone meal fertilizer mends the soil by creating a perfect environment for a plant to grow. Caring for the root’s strength while stimulating bigger and better blooms. This bone meal fertilizer serves as a one-man army.


2-14-0 ( 2% Nitrogen, 14% Phosphate, 15% Calcium)

The ideal time to use

Twice a year application is recommended preferably in early spring and late fall.

How to apply

For trees and shrubs

The amount of fertilizer required changes depending upon the size of trees and shrubs. The fertilizer must be applied under the foliage of a tree, shrubs, and rose shrubs. Spread 2 to 4 cups or as per the size demands.

  • Organic, OMRI listed by USDA for organic gardening. No chemical synthesisnHigher calcium content is a major plus. Calcium is responsible for different jobs in a plant’s growth. From improving water penetration to maintaining the chemical balance of soil, calcium does it all with no fuss.nSmells good.nPrevent rotting.n
  • Lower Nitrogen content. Nitrogen is a core nutrient responsible for the plant’s health and growth. nPotassium is responsible for resisting several plant illnesses. Lack of potassium might make plants more vulnerable.nMay damage the plant if not used per instructions.n


Red tip photinia is a low maintenance shrub it does not need much fertilizer if the soil is rich with nutrients. It is only demanding if it is planted in poor soil. Organic slow-release fertilizers are always ideal for shrubs like red tip photinia. 10-10-10 is ideal for maintaining overall health but if you are buying it for reasons like leaf growth or something see what can help. This best fertilizer for red tip photinia guide will help you to pick the best product.

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